Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm Central

Can We Help You Work With More Special Needs Families?

Spring is a unique marketing time for attorneys that serve parents with disabled children. 

Autism Awareness Month is just around the corner, and local organizations and groups are looking for legal experts to help educate their members on the importance of legal planning.  There are events and workshops being planned RIGHT NOW that you should be apart of! 

High school seniors with disabilities are getting ready to graduate soon, and many parents are beginning the process of filing for guardianship.  Now is a great time to start educating parents and schools in your community on the steps to take when a child with disabilities turns 18 to retain complete legal and financial control. 

These same parents of high school seniors are making plans for adulthood.  They need your help to put legal plans in place that ensures their child is able to stay as independent as possible after graduation, that they are financially protected, that they are accessing resources and benefits as a soon-to-be-adult, and that their transition to the next phase of their life is a smooth one. 

We know that your service to parents in these areas is an important one; we have loved ones with disabilities and special needs here at Legal Marketing Maven and can’t imagine life without a trusted attorney by our side.  We want YOU to be able to give this same peace of mind and confidence to others in your community. 

As one of our marketing services, we create campaigns that help you build relationships and reach more prospects effectively. We have seen the results of more conversions to appointments when we use these with our private clients. These campaigns work, and they provide piece of mind by helping guide prospects in the areas where they need guidance – whether that be caregiving, navigating probate, or knowing where to start in creating a special needs trust or estate plan.

We’ve created everything in such away that you can be ready to roll with each piece in under two hours.  No need to hire designers, no need to hire copywriters, and no need to distract your staff with the task of create marketing materials when they could be serving your clients. 

Would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you build relationships within your community? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.


I’ve got a perfect gift for your “Valentine”

It’s not roses.

It’s not candy.

It’s not diamonds or jewels.

It’s more valuable than any of those, in fact it is something that is simply irreplaceable.

hearts-937664_640What your valentine (and the rest of your family) REALLY wants from you is TIME. Preferably quality time with you present and not distracted worrying about your business.

And I’ve got simple, affordable solutions to GIVE YOU more hours in your week – EVERY WEEK.

If you are spending any of your personal time on any of these tasks, you are simply wasting timethat you could be giving to your loved ones.

  • Copywriting
  • Blogging
  • Social Media Updates (business related)
  • Designing
  • Writing Newsletters
  • Updating Your Website with Information
  • Writing and Pitching Press Releases
  • Managing your CRM
  • Creating Lead Generation Funnels
  • Updating your Local Profiles
  • Updating your Social Profiles
  • Managing Speaking Events
  • …and any other marketing tasks that you are currently handling yourself (or that aren’t getting done at all!)

….I think you get the hint. None of these tasks require YOU to do them completely. The greatest gift you can give is delegating the tasks that don’t require you. Imagine how many hours a week/month you could reclaim. Time is not something we get to put in a bank account and save for later.

Schedule a no-strings virtual cup of coffee with me, and let’s chat about how many hours we can give you and your family back.


When Thanking Colleagues for Referrals, Go Old School

Referrals are very valuable. If you aren’t actively and consistently taking action to give and receive them, do something now!

But, here’s a little tip that I wanted to share with you that many lawyers either don’t take the time to do or don’t think about-send handwritten notes.

UntitledI know that many think that handwritten notes are old school and that the primary form of communication is email. That is true, but handwritten notes will demonstrate to the recipient the value you place the relationship. It takes time and effort to write and mail a card, but you will be rewarded because it will place you higher in their minds than those that may, or may not, send an email.

In some cases, the low-technology and old school methods are the way to go!

Do you send hand written invitations and thank you notes to your referral sources? If not, why not? I’d love to hear from you so post a comment below and let’s chat!

We have a lot of little tips and techniques to help you market your estate and elder law practice.  Sign up for our 21 Day Legal Marketing Bootcamp and we’ll deliver them daily right to your in-box!

Do you want to talk about other strategies to help you implement your marketing plan? Feel free to schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee to chat about your business. I promise you will come away with a good plan for turning your ideas in actions!


Open Rates are Over-Rated

“Ack! My open rate is 25%!”

I’ve heard this a few times from lawyers who believe that they are shooting for a 100% open rate. The thing is, the open rate is not an accurate measure for determining how many people are reading your email or ezines. Here’s why:

Email programs are finicky!

mail-297177_640There are some email programs that are not capable of displaying the HTML (the behind the scenes code that makes your email look good) and images. There are a few programs that only display straight text, and you really need nice looking, easy-to-read content. Even the email programs that allow HTML and images, gives the user the option to turn that feature off. So, if someone opens your email in text-only, the program does not count this as an open. Several email clients also have a preview pane option. Many people read through the preview feature so those would also not count toward the open rate.

Even the email development services will tell you not to expect high numbers. According to Mail Chimp, in the best case scenarios the open rate would be around 50%. When they measured open rate per industry, the found that the average open rate in the legal industry is 22%.

Once explained, we tend to hear something a bit different from our clients. Like this…

Oh boy! My open rate is 25%!

Almost the same words, but with a completely different attitude!

I’m not advocating for ignoring your open rate, just know that this isn’t an exact number and should be used as a guide. If you would like to learn how to get the best bang for your marketing buck, give us a call.

Did you know you can join our Inner Circle Accountability & Private Group Coaching Program for just $1.00?  That’s it!  Click here and you’ll see all that you get for 30 days!


Would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you turn ideas into action? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.

Add These 8 Activities to Your Legal Marketing Plans

Our mission here at Legal Marketing Maven is to make law firm marketing easy, efficient and affordable. We do this by offering a wide range of services that will allow you to have access to professionally developed marketing that works. No matter what your budget is, we have something for you. But, there are a lot of things that you can do on your own that cost you nothing to catapult your law firm on the top of the heap of your competitors.

Here are a few very simple ideas for you:

Attend events in your community.

Business networking events are great, but the events that you attend don’t have to be situations where you sell. Attend community celebrations, fundraisers, religious events, the PTA at your child’s school, or any other gathering in your local area. The idea here is to be seen. People want to do business with people they are familiar with so give them the opportunity to get to know you.

Look for opportunities to teach.

You could offer free classes in your community or even serve as an adjunct professor in your local community college or university. Not only do you benefit from getting to know more people, you’ll also be in a position to demonstrate your expertise.

Remember that referrals go both ways.

You know how valuable referrals are to your law firm, right? They are also valuable to others so send referrals to other attorneys and other colleagues. Not only will you be doing a very nice thing for them, you are increasing the likelihood that you will get more from them.

Get to know your clients before you meet them.

Research your potential clients before they meet with you. You might want to pick the brain of the person who referred them or talk to others who may know them. You can even give Google a try. I’m not suggesting that you stalk them, but having an idea about who they are could go a long way in your first meeting.

Knock their socks off!

It probably doesn’t really need to be said because for most it is common sense but do a great job and provide great customer service to each and every client. This will set you up very nicely for repeat clients, but it will also help your reputation in your community.

Take advantage of social media.

There are just too many lawyers that fail to take advantage of social media. This is a big marketing miss. Unless you truly live off the grid, you must know that this is where people are communicating. Even if you aren’t using social media personally, you can still have a professional presence there. Social media can be used to attract new clients and to keep your past clients interested.

Regularly update your blog.

With so much information available on the internet people tend to turn to search engines for almost every purchasing decision they make. You should be the one who provides that information. You can attract the attention of a lot of potential clients simply by sharing your thoughts and providing basic information. Also, all that new content gives the search engines something to work with. T

Create a marketing plan.

Rather than aimlessly working your way through the year throwing money at this marketing agency or that ad publication, create a plan that allows you to more forward confidently and with much less risk. Not having a marketing plan is like constructing a building without blueprints. You might be able to muddle through, but you won’t be happy with the results. A strategic marketing plan allows you to understand the direction you want to go and determine the actions to take to get you there. Oh, and once you develop a marketing plan, don’t just sit it on a shelf. Use it! As they say, “Plan the work and work the plan.”

I understand that some of these things might not be easy for you to do. In particular, the more technical marketing things. That is why I created this “Keep it Consistent” program. In a nutshell, it is a very affordable service where we do all the heaving lifting to create your blogs, social media content and email newsletter – and, we even manage the implementation. If, while you were reading this blog, you thought, “Oh yeah, but who has the time!” you should take a look to see if this will work for you.

These are just a few of the things you can do to accelerate your marketing efforts. Do you want to talk about other strategies to help you implement your marketing plan? Feel free to schedule a time on my calendar for a no strings virtual cup of coffee to chat about your business. I promise you will come away with a good plan for turning your ideas in actions!