Show You Care

A struggle I see often is firms that are holding back on “marketing” because they don’t want to come off like an “ambulance chaser” or “used car salesman.” Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You don’t follow up because you don’t want to come off too “salesy” or intrusive.
  • You don’t talk about your firm on your personal facebook page because it feels too stuffy or braggy.
  • You don’t send regular emails because you are afraid of being a pest.
  • You don’t have your team make phone calls because you don’t want to seem “too desperate.”
  • Your team puts off marketing tasks and justifies it by saying that client matters and really anything else “takes priority.”

What if you and your team shifted that mindset, and instead thought of marketing as showing that you care?

In all reality that is exactly what marketing is. At least good marketing, anyway.

Ready for something that might shock you? You don’t have to sell A THING thing to stay on people’s top of mind.

What if you started sending birthday cards to your clients, and maybe even to their young children? What if you sent a bagel or fruit basket out in the mail when you hear of someone who lost a loved one? What if you sent a gift card for a massage to the parent at your child’s baseball practice who is exhausted and really struggling to care for her aging parent while raising her own kids? What if you offer that local realtor with the giant database the chance to write an article for YOUR clients that you’ll send out in your email newsletter?

There is zero selling involved in any of these activities…but I guarantee they will result in goodwill, referrals and clients.

When you show you care from an authentic place, people want to do business with you.

If you struggle to promote your firm, shift your mindset and give this approach a try. It will likely be the key to unlocking a fresh wave of clients heading into the spring and summer months.

We are here to help! Click the yellow box at the bottom of this page to schedule a virtual meeting with me to discuss your goals.