Work Smarter, Not Harder

You know I’m a big proponent of outsourcing whenever possible… but let’s be real, it’s not always that straightforward. Some tasks in your firm just can’t be handed off 100%, and that’s okay. In fact, many of my clients tell me they actually enjoy stepping away from legal work to focus on the creative or business-building side of their practice.

If you fall into that category—whether you like diving into marketing or feel like you need to do it yourself to do it right—I’m here to help you work more efficiently without being totally hands-off. Here are a few practical tips to inspire you and break up some bottlenecks.

#1 Rough Draft, Then Delegate

Got a newsletter to send or an update on the latest legal changes? Don’t let the whole process sit on your to-do list. Commit to writing just a rough draft—get your core ideas down, then hand it off. Let your team take care of the editing, formatting, and sending. You stay in control of the message without getting bogged down in the details.

#2 Record It Yourself, Leave the Editing to Someone Else

Love making videos? There’s no need to stop doing what you enjoy. Record the video, share your thoughts on a topic that’s on your mind, and then pass it off for the rest—splicing, editing, transcription, and posting. This way, you keep the creative part you enjoy and delegate the technical work.

#3 Stick to What You Do Best, Outsource the Rest

You know your strengths better than anyone. If you’re getting bogged down by tasks that aren’t the best use of your time—whether that’s social media management, event planning, or graphic design—consider outsourcing. It’s not about losing control; it’s about focusing your time on high-impact work.

Set up a simple system for these tasks: outline what you need once, and let someone else handle it from there. You’ll find it’s easier to stay involved where you add the most value, without taking on every detail.

#4 Invest Your Time Wisely

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Consider if your time is better spent working with clients or handling administrative tasks. If updating your website is taking hours that you could use for higher-value activities, delegate it to a professional. You can still have the final say on the look and feel without getting stuck in the weeds.

Test the Waters—Start Small

Outsourcing doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Start with just one small task—maybe delegating the final edit of your newsletter or the graphic design for your next presentation. Once you see the time it frees up, you might just make outsourcing a regular part of your workflow.