Tools I Love

Thanks to the power of automation, by the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to hang out with my cousins in Lake Placid for our family reunion.

We haven’t had one in over two years now because of the pandemic (the 4H camp we rent out has been closed), and it’s a tradition we’ve had going for 40 YEARS prior to the pandemic! So needless to say, we are very excited to see each other.!

As you know, running a business in the summer can get hectic with vacations, kids home from school, and other seasonal challenges.

So, here are some of the tools our team uses to “keep all the balls” in the air during the summer months:

1) I use Keap (formerly known as Infusionsoft) as my email marketing software so I can batch my marketing content and pre-schedule my emails.

2) None of us on the team could live without Boomerang! It’s an extension for Chrome and it will “boomerang” an email back to the top of your inbox if someone doesn’t respond in a set period of time. This prevents things from falling off the radar if you are out of the office or otherwise preoccupied.

3) Coschedule allows us to preschedule social media content for the week or even the month so that we can “set it and forget it.” Trust me…it’s LIBERATING.

One other thing I do… if I’m out of the office for more than a day or two, I write an away message that lets people know three things:

1) That I am away and when I will return

2) How to contact my team

3) Instructions to contact my team for assistance or email me again after my return date because ALL EMAILS WILL BE DELETED UPON MY RETURN TO THE OFFICE. (And yes, I really do delete them.)

I can’t begin to tell you what a difference this has made in the amount of email overwhelm I come home to after vacation! Please feel free to borrow this strategy for your own away messages. You’ll have so much less email anxiety when you return! 😉 I’ve been using it for YEARS and so have many of my attorney clients and guess what, the world hasn’t ended. Usually I get emails after my return that say “I’m totally doing this on my next vacation!”

Would you like to talk about other strategies for keeping your practice running smoothly and putting your marketing on auto-pilot so it still runs while you are away (or extra busy)? Schedule a coffee chat with me where we can discuss ideas.