That dang roller coaster

Would you like to stop feeling like you’re riding a roller coaster in your law firm…or in your life (or both)?

One key to stopping this is ABM – Always Be Marketing!

Most attorneys we chat with get so busy working on client work when things are going well that they stop marketing until things start to slow down. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late to stop the slide. At least until the marketing has time to kick in and start to bring in new leads and prospects.

So how do you fix it?

You fix it by having multiple marketing avenues and by making sure there are always a couple turned on and working…even when you’re busy and business is good…especially then.

The best way to make sure that happens is to have at the very least a basic, general marketing plan in place, for at least 90 days ahead at all times. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it doesn’t have to be super involved. It just has to be there and has to be continuously implemented.

It’s simple, but not always easy. At least not for most of us if we’re left to our own devices…

If you’d like help developing a consistent marketing plan for your law firm, click the yellow box at the bottom of this page to schedule a virtual meeting with me to discuss your goals.