T-E-A-M: The Key to Law Practice Managment Success

At some point in life, we’ve  all had to be a part of someone’s team. On that team, you were taught to work together, help one another, and act as one. Well in the professional world, I want to teach you to take the TEAM concept a step further as it relates to your law practice management success. As the leader in a law firm, you have to put more into the success of the firm by cultivating an environment where everyone feels like they are an important part of the team. To accomplish this you have to give the word team a new meaning:

T-Teach-As a leader you can’t assume that everyone already “knows” everything when they first step foot in your firm. Even though law is law, no two firms operate the same. Take the time to teach your staff the preferred way of doing things and make yourself available. Encourage them to ask questions and ask for their opinion. Assume that they want to advance in the firm and train them on what you are looking for in a leader.

E-Excite-Let them know coming in that they are important by having goals and rewards set in place to excite them. Don’t be afraid to take a different approach and try some of their ideas along the way.  Create a family environment where you do things together outside of work. Your team should be excited to walk in the office and see what adventure awaits them.

A-Appreciate-Every leader knows the importance of being appreciated. Just because it is the teams’ job to carry out certain task doesn’t mean that a thank you is not deserved.  Kindness and appreciation will take you a long way, because there will come a time when your team will volunteer to do things for you. As a part of the law firm industry I realize that time is not on your side so consider an annual team appreciation day. Whatever system you use just be sure and take time for your team.

M-Motivate-When a person is new to the team it’s clear that they are starting from the bottom. Create an environment that lets them know that hard work is appreciated will allow them to climb the ladder. This will motivate them to work hard and put their best foot forward at all times.

Now you know the secret to creating a profitable law firm. Who knew that the key to a success came in a four-letter word.


Do you have more questions, or would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you turn ideas into action? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.