So I creeped…

Before I get into this week’s newsletter to tell you how I’m a creeper, I want to invite you to download a podcast I recently recorded with Robert Armstrong, the New York Times Best Selling Co-Author of the E-Myth Attorney and Founder of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys.

I hit him with some questions that he’s rarely asked and he dropped pearls of wisdom that will benefit just about everyone reading this email right now.

And, he shared with me his “State of the Union” forecast for everyone who may be nervous about the economy and where things are headed for the legal industry. Robert has been in practice since 1976 and has launched companies in very serious downturns… so you’ll want to hear what he has to say!

You can listen to the recording now here.

Onto this week’s marketing lesson:

I have a client who was looking to make more connections with special needs groups in his local community.

He felt overwhelmed and was trying to come up with this “grand plan” for how to get on everyone’s radar.

My suggestion: let’s creep around their social media pages for a little while and start engaging with their content.

One group was having an autism walk that we blasted out to our network a few times and signed up to sponsor. Another was having a sensory-friendly arts and crafts event for parents that we shared a few times as well.

Of course, this immediately caught the attention of the organizations, and they were so appreciative of the support!

It started conversations with both groups and has since led to collaborative events that have benefited the firm. No cold-calling necessary!

Social media works great for referral marketing – when you use it right!

We’re not going to:


But instead we will:


If you want more pointers on how to use your firm’s social media channels the right way to be a revenue generator rather than a billboard, join us over in our free Facebook group where I’ll coach you through the process.