Attorney Outsourcing Tip: S.M.A.R.T. Delegation – My Twist

Attorney outsourcing and delegation is the key to your freedom, yet so many times, we just ask for help, but don’t let go enough to realize the freedom that the delegation can truly bring. Instead we do the complete opposite of delegating and we micro manage, causing even more stress to ourselves and our team.

Here are a few tips on SMART Delegation that will help you with the process of letting go and will help your team successfully complete the projects that you delegate.

S – Specify – Specify the end result that you want. Give the details and scope of the project and let your team member know exactly what you want at the end and why. By giving these details, you team member is going to understand exactly what they need to do and the reasons that it is important.

M – Milestones – Have some built in milestones so that you are comfortable that the project is staying on track. Again, this should not be at every turn (micromanagement) but at predefined times during the scope of the project. Let the team member control the progress of the project with a clear expectation that the milestones must be met.

A – Answer – Make yourself available to answer questions as they arise. If the team member has questions, answer the questions as fully as possible and explain your reasons. Many times if a team member asks a question; and then is explained “why” they may develop a better solution or way to approach the tasks necessary to complete the project.

R – Realistic – Make sure the scope and milestones of the project are realistic. Never set a team member up for failure. Ask for feedback during the initial delegation of the task and during milestone meetings.

T – Thanks – Show your appreciation. This is so often overlooked, but I can promise you that when you show your appreciation to your team members when they manage a project and meet a deadline, they will be much more inclined to do it over and over again! A simple “Thank You” goes a lot further than you think.

Do you have other tips that have helped you delegate projects? Leave your comments!


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