Perspective and Gratitude

Perspective and GratitudeA Personal Note From Laura Lee

“I’m sorry the cancer has metastasized into his liver, lungs and muscles and there are no treatment options”. It was almost a year ago, and the day my life changed forever; my husband of 20 years & father of my two children was embarking on a battle that didn’t have any odds of victory according to the doctors.

A lot of emotions happen anger, resentment, fear and grief to name a few.  Anyone who has walked down this path can attest to the fact that gratitude is hard to find.

However, during the past 11 months, we have learned to shift our perspective and focus on how much we have to be grateful for, every day that we get to share together, is a blessing.

We are never promised time, most of us just take for granted the minutes, days and years. We don’t cherish the small stuff and spend way too much time worrying about things that in the long run really don’t matter.

Time.  At first we worried about how much time do we have, and when will it run out. Perspective. We shifted it to gratitude for every second and cherish the gift.

I’m thankful to all my wonderful friends (even those whom I have never met in person) and my family, for all that they have done and all the prayers that have been prayed, I know that they have made a difference. Thank you for being a part of my life. And the hospice workers who visit us weekly and make sure his medical needs are taken care of, that he is as pain free as possible, and that he has as many “good” days as possible – thank you for the work that you do and being the special people in our lives that you are.

This Thanksgiving, take the time to reflect on what you really have to be grateful for, there is so much, even when things are going wrong, if we just take the time to look for it and do a little “shifting” of our perspective.

Also, never forget that miracles happen every day, all you have to do is look for them.

With deepest gratitude and blessings,

Laura Lee