Overcoming Your Fears of “Indecent” Exposure

Do you feel ‘dirty’ promoting your business? Do you feel uncomfortable picking up the phone to ask for speaking engagements or letting potential referral sources know more about what you do? 

Whether you like it or not, growing your law firm and reaching new clients depends on exposure in your community. If you are not constantly showcasing your services and expertise to new clients, referral partners and local organizations every single day, you will not see the results you desire. 

Let me make something very clear: although you are an attorney running a law practice, the primary business you are in is sales. If you are not SELLING the value of your services and sharing your expertise to as many people as possible, you are losing out on the numbers game necessary to make your practice grow! 

For many attorneys, this is the most painful part of hanging out your own shingle. You may have envisioned helping clients with their legal problems and doing those things you went to law school for…NOT cold calling, promoting, networking, advertising and pouring your heart and soul into lead generation. 

We had a client who felt absolutely icky doing all of those things above. Maybe you can relate. She had a hard time closing business in the office and would let potential opportunities for speaking engagements or partnerships pass her by because she felt uncomfortable picking up the phone and exposing her services to others in town. 

I asked her a simple question to shift her mindset and make her feel less uncomfortable asking for a “sale”. You see, she receives calls just about every day from potential referral sources and local businesses seeking to partner with her–and great things have come of those opportunities. I asked if she felt uncomfortable, or even irritated, when those people have reached out to her. Of course she said no. Some offers she had to pass on, but never did she look at the person or organization reaching out to her as “slimy” for attempting to build a relationship. 

You don’t have to feel slimy or icky reaching out and letting other people know what YOU do either. In fact, when you do it the right way, you’ll leave the other person feeling as though THEY have benefited enormously from talking with YOU! We’ll cover some of these strategies on how to turn the tables and “sell without selling” in future newsletters. 

For now, keep in mind, when you truly believe in the value of what you are doing and know your services are making a difference in people’s lives (…and no matter what practice area you are in, you are helping people), you should not feel embarrassed telling others about what you do! In fact, it would be a disservice to NOT open your mouth and let people know! 

Back to our client: During one of our accountability calls, I set a deadline for her to call two people, whom she had met in passing, from two different organizations in town. After weeks of putting it off, she finally picked up the phone to touch base, let them know what she was doing and offer to be of service to them in the future. From these two simple phone calls, she was invited to speak for BOTH organizations…which are filled with her ideal clients …and she increased the chance of bringing in a ton of new business during the slow summer months. 

What have you put off doing because you were afraid to “sell” your services? Who have you neglected to call because you didn’t want to seem like a “pest” or a “slimeball”? 

I encourage you to shift your mindset about this today so you don’t miss out on great opportunities for new clients and referrals. Your business success depends on constant exposure, so don’t be afraid to speak up to those around you! If you are truly an introvert, you may also want to pick up the following books: 

Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead 
by Nancy Ancowitz, 

Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected 
by Devora Zack 

Both are great resources if you struggle to close sales and market your practice in a strong, confident manner.


Would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you turn ideas into action? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.