Attorney Outsourcing Tip: Letting Go – One Key to Finding Freedom

Blind to the Need for Attorney Outsourcing

After working with attorneys for twenty something years, I have to admit that I have taken on many of the same “traits”, some great, some not great. I think the one that will wreak the most havoc on your time, is that of being a control freak. The thought that “no one can do it as good as me” or “it will take too long to teach someone else”, keeps us constantly doing things that we should not be doing.

Keeping track of everything you do for a few days, and I mean EVERYTHING, will give you a great insight to how many things you are doing that you should not be doing yourself. Instead they should be delegated to someone with the right skill set that can complete the task effectively and efficiently. Give that person a clear direction on the outcome that you expect, set a definitive timeline, make yourself available for questions, and let go.  You should only be doing what ONLY YOU CAN DO!

You may be very surprised at the results you get!


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