Four Simple Ways to Make Sure Your Law Firm’s Blog Posts are Effective

Four Simple Ways to Make Sure Your Law Firm’s Blog Posts are Effective Marketing

Pretty much everyone knows at this point that a blog is a great tool for marketing to today’s potential clients.  Even those who aren’t sure exactly why blog posts are important have still gotten the message that they are.  Let’s take a look at what makes a good blog post when it comes to marketing your law practice.

Be Helpful

When someone is in need of an attorney, it’s because there is something they just cannot do for themselves.  Sure, there are a lot of DIY kits online, but you are more aware than anyone that these one-size-fits-all approaches can really do more harm than good.  Still, people are desperate for information.  When you write blog posts that give them the information they need, they realize that they can turn to you as a resource.  Not only that, but you can give them an advantage when they do actually get to the legal process, because they will know what to expect and how to prepare for it.

Avoid Advertising

While your blog posts might include something along the lines of, “If you’re in need of a good estate planning attorney in <insert your city>, give XYZ Law Firm a call,” your blog posts should not really be centered around you.  Instead of talking about how great you are, use your posts to build a relationship.  It’s certainly OK to tell prospective clients why they should come to you, but if you’re doing it in every single blog post, you’re missing the opportunity to build rapport by hitting them over the head with advertising.

Use Keywords

Search engine optimization involves a number of strategies for getting the search engines like Google and Bing to notice your content and serve it up to Internet users.  You can help your blog posts show up in relevant searches by utilizing keywords.  These are words or phrases that you think your potential clients would type into the search box when trying to find the information you offer.  Being specific can be very advantageous, so instead of saying simply using the phrase “personal injury lawyer,” use “personal injury lawyer in <insert your city>.”  This is going to get your blog posts ranked higher for those people who are most likely to hire you.

Use Layman’s Terms

One of the reasons that the general public is so intimidated by the law is because of the jargon that goes with it.  If you are able to speak to them in terms they understand, you are helping them to feel confident in understanding what it is you do.  This is a great way to build trust with your audience and can even make your job easier in the long run because you will have informed clients.


Would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you turn ideas into action? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.