Control Freaks: Here’s How to Scale Your Marketing Without Losing Your Voice

Let’s talk about a challenge I know many of you are facing. You love creating content, but you’re struggling to find the time to properly market your practice. Sound familiar? Well, this edition is for all you control freaks out there (myself included!).

Here’s a strategy I’ve helped some of my CMO clients implement, and it’s been incredibly effective in keeping everyone productive and moving forward.

Focus on creating just ONE piece of content. That’s it.

Maybe you’re inspired to write an article. Great. Bang out that single piece. Then, once that one item is crafted, hand it right over to your team for repurposing on other platforms.

Your team is more capable than you might think.

With just that one article, your team can turn your ideas into:

  • 4-5 social media posts
  • A short video recap for Instagram Reels
  • An infographic
  • A downloadable checklist for the website

The result? Your digital presence is multiplied and you’ve spent a fraction of time thinking about marketing.

Remember, it’s okay to loosen the reins a little. By empowering your team, you’re not losing control – you’re gaining a marketing powerhouse.

Are you up for the challenge? Bang out that one idea that’s been on your mind. Then let your team loose with the rest. Can’t wait to see your results.

To your success,

Laura Lee

P.S. If you need help implementing this strategy or training your team on content repurposing, let’s chat. Book a call here.