Automation: Your Secret Weapon for Personal Connection (Yes, Really!)

Let’s talk about a marketing strategy that might sound like an oxymoron at first: automated personal connection.

I know what you’re thinking. “LL, how can something automated be personal?”

Well, buckle up, because I’m about to challenge your perception of automation in marketing.

First things first: Automation isn’t about impersonal, “set-it-and-forget-it” messages. Instead, think of automation as a tool for working smarter, not harder. It’s about creating thoughtful, targeted communications that feel personal, even when they’re automated.

So, how do we achieve this seemingly impossible task? Here are the steps to automate your communications correctly and authentically:

1. Segment, segment, segment!

Your clients aren’t one-size-fits-all, so why should your emails be? Divide your list based on interests, needs, or where they are in their legal journey. A young family needing estate planning has different concerns than a business owner looking for succession planning.

2. Tell stories, don’t just inform

Remember when I said “facts tell, stories sell”? That applies here too. Don’t just automate blog post notifications. Instead, create a series of emails that tell a story over time. Maybe it’s a client success story, broken into parts. Or a series on common legal misconceptions, each one a mini-story.

3. Build relationships, not just mailing lists

Use automation to nurture leads over time. Set up a welcome series for new subscribers that introduces them to your firm’s values, your team, and your approach to law. Make them feel like they’re getting to know you, not just receiving information.

4. Personalize beyond just using their name

Use the data you have. If someone downloaded your guide on estate planning, your follow-up emails should speak to those concerns. If they attended a seminar on special needs planning for example, tailor your content accordingly.

5. Add human touchpoints

Automation doesn’t mean eliminating human interaction. Set up alerts for your team when certain actions are taken (like downloading a high-value resource) so they can reach out personally.

Remember, the goal of automation isn’t to remove the human element—it’s to enhance it. By automating the routine, you free up time for genuine, high-value interactions.

To your success,

Laura Lee

P.S. Want more tips on balancing automation and personal touch in your marketing? Join our free Facebook group here: We’re always sharing the latest strategies!