Are SEO Keywords Still Important for Your Firm?

If you’ve been running your practice for a while, you’ve likely heard conflicting advice about SEO and keywords. Are they still important? The short answer: yes! But, like everything in marketing, the way we approach keywords has evolved.

Here’s the thing—SEO is an ever-moving target. In the decades I’ve spent marketing law firms, I’ve seen it change a lot. But some principles remain the same, and if you want to rank high in search results, here’s what still holds true today:

You need to be creating fresh, consistent content, and that content should be speaking directly to the terms your prospects are searching for.

Now, don’t get caught up in keyword “stuffing”—Google’s too smart for that! Instead, focus on using natural language that includes local search terms, phrases, and questions your potential clients are typing into the search bar.

Here are a few tips to ensure your content is SEO-friendly without being overstuffed:

  • Incorporate local terms: Mention your city, county, or region naturally in your content.
  • Answer questions: What are your prospects asking in the office or on intake calls? Write content that addresses those queries directly.
  • Use long-tail keywords: These are longer, more specific phrases that your prospects are more likely to search for.
  • Stay consistent: Regular updates to your website help search engines see you as relevant and active.

The goal here is simple—make sure your website is always front and center when your prospects need you. Keywords help guide search engines, but the real power comes from creating content that speaks to what your prospects are actually looking for.