Here’s an idea for you next blog post (SUPER EASY)

774748_10206635104010926_2063704206746737390_oClients find you online. Period. The days of skimming the yellow pages for an attorney are gone. You know this. But, being online means a lot more than just having a website. It means writing and sending e-newsletters, engaging social media and online advertising. Improving your social media presence is a topic that comes up quite frequently in the LM2 Inner Circle. The lawyers in the group and I talk about different online marketing tactics – what’s worked and what hasn’t. One of the tactics that find to be the most successful is blogging.

There are many reasons why blogging for lawyers works so well. One of the top reasons is to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). People need to be able to find you when they search for your services on Google. Regular consistent blogging with using quality keywords will help optimize your website and then improve your chances of Google listing you at the top of the list. Many people know this and simply write with this in mind. This means they stuff their blog posts with keywords like “drunk driving arrest” or “business litigation” and write with the search engines in mind. This is a mistake. The search engines might get your potential clients attention, but it is your content that will keep them.

The lawyers that are truly successful with online marketing know that their blogs should be an educational resource that serves a need in their community. They write for clients, not search engines. They provide information that helps them with their problems. By doing so, they are seen as leaders in their practice areas and it demonstrates that you care about them since you are answering their most burning questions.

Writing blog posts doesn’t have to be daunting. Just think of the most common questions that you get and schedule an hour each week to write a post – 250 to 300 words will be just fine. You might even be able to write 2 blog posts in that hour. At minimum, get 4 new articles per month on your blog. That 1 hour per week will return big dividends!

Blogging is just one of the topics I cover in the 21-Day Legal Marketing Bootcamp. Sign up today for this free course where you’ll get one easily digestible marketing lesson on creating and implementing the most effective online legal marketing strategies.


Would you like to talk about how we can help you save time on your marketing and help you turn ideas into action? Simply schedule a time on my calendar for a no-strings virtual cup of coffee.